Chris Teague

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  • 40Articles


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Mark Rose Articles:

What Exactly Are Steelies? | Autance

What Exactly Are Steelies? | Autance

Steelies or alloys. Know the difference.
Is Premium Gas Better Than Regular? | Autance

Is Premium Gas Better Than Regular? | Autance

Spoiler alert: If your owner’s manual doesn’t ask for it, premium fuel can be a waste of money.
Symptoms of an Exhaust Leak | Autance

Symptoms of an Exhaust Leak | Autance

Unless you’re a gearhead or an enthusiast, there’s a great chance that you don’t think about your car’s exhaust very…
Why Do Modifications Tend To Hurt Car Values? | Autance

Why Do Modifications Tend To Hurt Car Values? | Autance

This is one case when knowing what you have is completely useless.
The History and Use of the Hemi | Autance

The History and Use of the Hemi | Autance

Almost no other name in the automotive world carries as much weight as the “Hemi” moniker does.
Is It Actually Dangerous To Use Your Cellphone While Pumping Gas? | Autance

Is It Actually Dangerous To Use Your Cellphone While Pumping Gas? | Autance

The short story is that, no, you’re probably not going to blow up.
What Exactly Is Chassis Bracing? | Autance

What Exactly Is Chassis Bracing? | Autance

Let’s get your chassis rock solid.
Can You Swap a Steering Wheel With an Airbag? | Autance

Can You Swap a Steering Wheel With an Airbag? | Autance

Living your life a quarter-mile at a time is only fun if you’ve got a solid steering wheel.
Is a Torx Bit an Essential Tool To Keep in the Garage? | Autance

Is a Torx Bit an Essential Tool To Keep in the Garage? | Autance

Is Torx like torque? No, it isn’t.
Most Common Car Symbols Everyone Should Know | Autance

Most Common Car Symbols Everyone Should Know | Autance

Cars have a funny way of communicating with their owners. There may be a sound, or even a smell, to…
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