A Python Green Porsche Boxster Looks More Like a Frog Than a Snake but I’m Into It | Autance

Don’t skip an opportunity to order your next car in an interesting color. Especially if you can get something that’s not offered by many automakers.

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A Python Green Porsche Boxster Looks More Like a Frog Than a Snake but I’m Into It | Autance © A Python Green Porsche Boxster Looks More Like a Frog Than a Snake but I’m Into It | Autance

If a vehicle is green, the color usually fits into one of three green flavors: hot limes (like a Kawasaki Ninja might wear), olives (military-style), and deep evergreens (British Racing Green and adjacent hues). The one in this picture is unique in that it’s not really close to any of those.

  • Car: Porsche 718 Boxster
  • Location: Newcomb’s Ranch, ACH (Los Angeles)
  • Photog: Andrew P. Collins (me; @andrewatlarge on IG)
  • Camera: Canon PowerShot

I pulled up Porsche’s online configurator and figured out that this must be Python Green; not to be confused with Mamba Green which is much more metallic, and darker, closer to a rich and glossy evergreen.

The color here has a distinctly Euro flavor to me but I’m having a hard time articulating why. Something about pastel adjacency, perhaps?

If you have the chance, don’t dismiss the opportunity to order your next car in an interesting color. All the better if it’s something you don’t really see replicated by any other automaker.

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