At This Point a Toyota Taco Becomes a Full-Fledged Burrito | Autance

April 2 Feature Photo: Bring me that horizon. Happy Friday!

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At This Point a Toyota Taco Becomes a Full-Fledged Burrito | Autance © At This Point a Toyota Taco Becomes a Full-Fledged Burrito | Autance

There are plenty of ways to set up a pickup truck for overlanding. Just throwing a blanket and a box of beer in the bed is probably the easiest; on the other end of the scale is a full-on camper conversion like this.

Picture Details:

  • Car(s): Extended-cab Toyota Tacoma with a full Four-Wheel Campers conversion and a lot of overlanding mods
  • Location: Baja peninsula, not too far south
  • Photog: Drew Martin
  • Camera: Something big and expensive

The truck you’re looking at here is a basic extended-cab Tacoma with a manual transmission (sweet) and its bed removed entirely to make room for a luxurious pop-top camper. The habitat was so heavy that the truck didn’t have much forgiveness in its rear suspension left (I heard a few pretty noisy bottom-outs following this thing around Baja) but as long as the driver took it slow they didn’t seem to have too many issues getting through deep sand and small to medium-sized rocks.

Inside the thing had a full-on office, kitchen, and bedroom with every fixture and detail executed quite beautifully. It was a lot nicer than my apartment inside, that’s for sure.

The truck’s owned by photographer Travis Burke (you can find him and this rig on Insta) who uses it to go on epic adventures and take pics. This particular shot was grabbed by another photog Drew Martin, who came on this trip that was hosted by portable fridge company Dometic to test its hardware. You can see my Montero hiding in the corner, looking pretty puny by comparison.

You’ll probably see more photos from this trip in our Featured section, it was a hell of a time and Martin did a great job capturing it.

Here it is a little bigger:

Image: Drew Martin for Dometic
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