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Mark Rose Articles:

Best Car Battery Charger: Reviews and Buying Guide | Autance

Best Car Battery Charger: Reviews and Buying Guide | Autance

Whether you have a prim and proper new sports car or a beaten up jalopy your car needs a battery to run. Car batteries come in many different voltage...
Best Touch Screen Radios: Review and Buying Guide | Autance

Best Touch Screen Radios: Review and Buying Guide | Autance

Having to sail through a sea of static with nothing more than a knob is thankfully part of the past. Picking the best touch screen radio is a matter ...
Signs and Symptoms of a Bad Master Cylinder in a Vehicle | Autance

Signs and Symptoms of a Bad Master Cylinder in a Vehicle | Autance

The master cylinder is the most critical component in your care brake system because it enables your car to work effectively. When you step on the br...
The Best Portable Battery Chargers for Cars: Get Back on the Road Quickly | Autance

The Best Portable Battery Chargers for Cars: Get Back on the Road Quickly | Autance

Don’t let your car’s battery fail you when it’s low on power – carry one of these top portable battery chargers for cars in your trunk.
The Best 50 Amp RV Surge Protectors: Be Prepared for the Unexpected | Autance

The Best 50 Amp RV Surge Protectors: Be Prepared for the Unexpected | Autance

You need to be prepared for the unexpected when you hit the road in your RV. That means not only…