Local News Livestreams Jeep Grand Cherokee Stuck on Beach as Hurricane Dorian Approaches

Fare thee well, Jeep.

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Local News Livestreams Jeep Grand Cherokee Stuck on Beach as Hurricane Dorian Approaches © Local News Livestreams Jeep Grand Cherokee Stuck on Beach as Hurricane Dorian Approaches

Driving on the beach is a risky venture at best, especially when there’s a hurricane on the horizon with the high risk of rising waters. One Myrtle Beach Jeep driver, however, thought it would be fun to live up to the mantra of “it’s a Jeep thing,” by driving onto the sandy turf in South Carolina, only to get stuck. Despite the pending arrival of Hurricane Dorian, that didn’t stop locals from poking fun at the beached Jeep and local ABC affiliate WCIV from running a live Facebook video of the Jeep’s slow demise.

According to area outlet WTVD, police received reports of the Jeep on the beach as waters began to rise. Upon arrival, they found the Jeep locked and abandoned. After some quick investigation, Myrtle Beach Police Department learned that the owner’s cousin drove the relatively new Jeep Grand Cherokee onto the beach to get a picture and video of it with the sunrise in the background before the storm.

But before he could drive off, it got stuck and by the time he returned with help, it was too dangerous to recover the vehicle. To rub salt in the wound, the Jeep’s owner reportedly wasn’t even aware of its precarious situation until the police arrived at his doorstep, which is what coaxed an explanation out of his cousin.

Locals took to social media to entertain themselves as they prepared to hunker down for the storm, and even one brave bagpipe player decided to give the Jeep its final send-off, which you can watch below.

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