Cars and Coffees Are So Eclectic in SoCal | Autance

And they’re not to be taken for granted.

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Cars and Coffees Are So Eclectic in SoCal | Autance © Cars and Coffees Are So Eclectic in SoCal | Autance

I really ought to attend meets more often — you never know what you’ll see, no matter what the theme is at a car show down here.

  • Car: Ferrari F430
  • Location: Commodity Coffee, Long Beach, CA
  • Photog: Peter Nelson (IG + Twitter: @16vPete)
  • Camera: iPhone 7

Having a huge amount of “cars and coffee” events in Southern California is not something to take for granted, yet I kind of do. I’ve barely been to any of them since I moved here in 2016. In fact, I can count every date on just two hands.

I was reminded of this when I went to Commodity in Long Beach for a monthly meet called All Makes Welcome. The eclectic variety of cars was top-notch, the setting was super chill, and it all made for excellent photos. I gotta hit up the next installment for sure, and make more of an effort to visit other weekly events going down all over this gorgeous region of the country.

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