Check Out The Moonlight On This Secret Council Of S2000s | Autance

Somewhere, on a desert night, convertible Hondas gathered.

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Check Out The Moonlight On This Secret Council Of S2000s | Autance © Check Out The Moonlight On This Secret Council Of S2000s | Autance

We here at Car Autance are huge fans of the Honda S2000. It’s even better when there’s an entire group of canyon and track lunatic S2000 owners willing to cane their cars across a dry lake bed. Wish it was me!

This shot was taken by my talented friend Kate (Instagram: go follow her!) somewhere in the desert north of Los Angeles. Specifically, an off-road park called El Mirage where there are technically no speed limits and technically drifting is allowed, though sometimes the park rangers will calmly approach you and persuade you to stop with a pat on the holster to, er, cut that shit out.

If you hang around long enough, however, and wait darkness to settle over the Joshua Tree strewn high desert, you can do whatever you like. That, is how this fabulous shot came to exist.

As big as we could get it:

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