Gold Rush Rally Lamborghini Impounded After Two Speeding Tickets in 30 Minutes

You know that saying “never lift?” It doesn’t really apply here.

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Gold Rush Rally Lamborghini Impounded After Two Speeding Tickets in 30 Minutes © Gold Rush Rally Lamborghini Impounded After Two Speeding Tickets in 30 Minutes

The Gold Rush Rally may have lost some of the allure it once had but it is still very-much alive. The 2017 rally goes from Beverly Hills, California and travels to Las Vegas, Nevada after taking the scenic route through Washington. According to Washington State Trooper Brian Moore, 10 cars have been stopped in Kittitas and Grant county that are involved in the rally.

As a precautionary measure, troopers have stationed additional patrols along the route due to the large volume of exotic cars flying through the area. Apparently, one Lamborghini owner didn't learn his lesson after getting pulled over for going 103 miles per hour on a state highway. According to reports, the same Lamborghini driver was pulled over a second time less than 30 minutes later for going 99 mph. The Italian supercar was subsequently impounded and the driver was cited for reckless driving. 

The buy-in for the Gold Rush Rally allegedly costs $20,000 and provides participants with a "premiere automotive lifestyle rally."

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