How To Find Car Autance on Apple News, Google News, and Flipboard

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How To Find Car Autance on Apple News, Google News, and Flipboard © How To Find Car Autance on Apple News, Google News, and Flipboard

Good news! We’re all signed up on several expedient means of getting car blogs to you faster and more efficiently. Car Autance is officially live on Apple News, Google News, and Flipboard. Feel like quickly browsing through a blog about homemade submarines while riding the train to work? Want to quickly read up about the wonders of aftermarket oil coolers before you get a tooth pulled (hopefully for a legit reason, at a legitimate dentist)? Actually, I bet you’d like to learn about our trip to Radwood NorCal while sitting in a cellular phone lot, waiting to pick up a good friend from the airport.

No matter the circumstance for enjoying our fine site, we’re now easier to catch up on than ever.

Apple News

How To Find Car Autance on Apple News, Google News, and Flipboard
Image: Andrew P. Collins (Adobe Stock; WavebreakmediaMicro; artinspiring)

The old standby, in my opinion, one of the OGs of giving you a clean layout for digesting your daily digestion for news. Apple News is clean, lacks any spacing awkwardness, and scrolls quite flawlessly. Check us out on Apple News here.

Google News

How To Find Car Autance on Apple News, Google News, and Flipboard
Image: Andrew P. Collins (Adobe Stock; eakgrungenerd; artinspiring)

Who can forget about Google after mentioning Apple? They’re like, down the street from each other in the Bay Area. Google News offers all the same benefits as Apple News, except you’re able to read it on anything Google-ready (so essentially, our entire lives). It reads quite nicely on Microsoft Edge, which I’m currently writing this on for some reason, and makes clicking around selecting other topics/sources very easy. They also make scrolling through our various categories quite easy. It’s a win-win! Find us on Google News here.


How To Find Car Autance on Apple News, Google News, and Flipboard
Image: Andrew P. Collins (Adobe Stock; Seventyfour; artinspiring)

I’m not as familiar with this method (well, not at all familiar), but it looks great nonetheless! It looks like tracking shares, likes, and flips is nice n’ clear; that’s certainly neat! If you’re a Flipboard user, or up for giving it a shot after reading this short paragraph about it, you can find us on there right here.

All of these news-catcher methods are quite solid, and make reading through our well-crafted-for-you blogs really easy and convenient. Plus, everything’s more shareable. Check ’em out!

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