How to Plasti Dip Your Car in 9 Simple Steps | Autance

Plasti Dip is a rubberized coating that car owners apply on their vehicle. It allows them to get the kind…

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How to Plasti Dip Your Car in 9 Simple Steps | Autance © How to Plasti Dip Your Car in 9 Simple Steps | Autance
How to Plasti Dip Your Car in 9 Simple Steps | Autance © How to Plasti Dip Your Car in 9 Simple Steps | Autance
How to Plasti Dip Your Car in 9 Simple Steps | Autance © How to Plasti Dip Your Car in 9 Simple Steps | Autance
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Plasti Dip is a rubberized coating that car owners apply on their vehicle. It allows them to get the kind of color that they want without the hassle of a real automotive paint job. These products protect coated items against corrosion, acids, moisture, and other elements. One good attribute of this product is its peelable nature. You can remove it anytime you want, so you can put on a different color. So, are you interested to learn how to Plasti Dip car? Here are 9 very simple steps for you.

Pick a Good Location for Painting the Car 

Always pick a good location for your dip paint car job. It should have good ventilation. This will help dissipate the fumes coming from the sprayer. It should also be under the shade. You do not want the sun to dry up the paint too fast. While working under a large tree may work, sudden gusts of wind can have a negative effect on the Plasti dip job. There will be certain sections with overspray buildup. Falling leaves and bird droppings are also risks.

Your best choice to perform the Plasti dip car process is in your garage. Open the garage door to improve ventilation. Secure the other items on the garage floor. Make sure that you have plenty of room to move about when painting your car.

Prepare Your Materials

Pick the color of Plasti dip that you want to apply on your car. Ask your paint supplier how many gallons of dipping material you need to cover your vehicle.

If you are only going to dip certain parts of your car, then you will need less amount of Plasti dip. There are also suppliers who sell kits. These already include a prep kit, several gallons of Plasti dip, a paint sprayer, and an aftercare kit, among other things.

If your vehicle has some damage, you will also need the materials for fixing these. Sandpaper or orbital sanders should work fine in removing rust. You will also need painter’s tape, a pair of gloves, and a mask or a respirator. Changing into old clothes or coveralls is also advisable.

Prepare the Surface to be Dipped

The first step in the process of how to apply Plasti dip on your car is to prepare the surface you want to dip. It is imperative that there is no rust on the surface. If there are, then you need to sand them before Plasti dipping your car. It makes no sense applying a protective layer of Plasti dip if the surface itself is already rusted. The rust will continue to eat away at the metal of your car.

If you see small surface imperfections, you can use an auto primer spray. This will help fill in the small spaces on the surface of the vehicle. What is important here is for the surface to be smooth. Plasti dip has a much better chance of adhering to a smooth surface than an uneven or rough one. Also, it makes it a lot easier to peel the Plasti dip later on, in case you want a different color for your car.

Wash and Clean the Vehicle

Right after preparing the car’s surface, you need to wash it. Remove debris that may still be present on the car. You need to make sure that there is no oil, dirt, and dust on the surface that you are going to dip. Plasti Dip works best on clean and smooth surfaces.

Use a lamb’s wool mitt to scrub the surface. This will help prevent scratching the car’s surface. An alternative will be to use a soft, natural sponge. Do not use scrubbing pads that have an abrasive surface. If you are going to work on a small area of your car, you can use an ordinary piece of cloth. Soak the cloth in rubbing alcohol. Wipe down the area that you are going to dip.

Let your car dry for about 3 hours. This should be long enough to let any remaining moisture on the car to evaporate. You can also hasten the drying process by using an absorbent terry towel, a chamois, or a microfiber cloth. What is important is for the surface to be completely dry before you start with the actual process of how to apply Plasti Dip.

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Cover Surfaces You Do Not Want to Dip

Some car owners do not apply tape to cover the areas that they do not want to dip. It is okay not to tape the edges of your headlight and other elements of the car. Plasti Dip is removable. So, you can peel off those sections that may coat areas that you don’t want to dip. However, it may be more cumbersome to peel off the Plasti Dip later on. You might peel off more than you want.

It is for this reason that covering the surface right before you start applying the Plasti Dip car product is ideal. Use old newspapers to cover large sections, such as the windshield. Line them with painter’s tape along the edges to secure the newspaper. You can use large pieces of trash bags to cover the tires.

You can also remove the grille, hub caps, emblems, and other items on the car.

Prepare the Plasti Dip

Get your Plasti Dip products. Read the instructions on how to mix the substance. It is best to pour the contents of these products into a larger container. This makes it a lot easier to mix the dip paint car product with an appropriate chemical thinner. Use a paint stirrer to mix the paint.

You will need a high-volume, low-pressure sprayer to help you spray the product on your car. This device offers the best results. Check the fill lines of the sprayer. Pour the thinned Plasti dip into the paint compartment of the sprayer. Make sure to fill it only up to the indicated line. Secure the sprayer’s cap.

Charge the line of the sprayer by pressing and holding the sprayer trigger for a few seconds. This will create suction and draw paint through the lines.

If you are going to Plasti dip smaller areas of your car, you can use Plasti Dip aerosolized cans instead. You can use these on grilles, emblems, and rims. Shake the aerosolized can for about 60 seconds before spraying.

Apply the Plasti Dip

If this is your first time applying spray paint on your car, we recommend doing a few test sprays first. Get a large piece of metal or any other flat object. Position the sprayer’s nozzle some 12 inches away from the test surface. Hold down the trigger and move your hand to the side. Try to be as steady and slow as you can. You will notice a wide band of paint covering the surface.

The moment you reach the end of your pass, release the trigger. Reposition the nozzle so that it will be halfway down the width of the initial band. For example, if the first band of Plasti dip is 4 inches, then you should position the nozzle at the 2-inch mark of the first band.

Continue practicing until you are confident about your arm movements, the pressure on the trigger, and the stability of your sprayer hold.

Once you are confident, you can begin spraying the Plasti Dip on your car. Make sure to overlap each band by at least 30 percent. This will give you full coverage of the car. It also allows for a smoother peel if ever you decide to replace it in the future.

Apply the coating from left to right. Start at the topmost section of your car and work your way down. Allow each coat to dry for about 20 to 30 minutes. You may need to apply about 5 coats of Plasti Dip on your car. For hard-to-reach areas, you can apply 2 to 3 coats.

You can also dip your grille, badges, emblems, wheels, and other exterior accessories.

If you purchased a Plasti Dip kit, you may also have to apply a few layers of a metalizer. This will give the rubber surface a glossier look, although it can never match the glossy shine of a real clear coat application.

Remove the old newspapers and painter’s tapes on those areas that you covered before the Plasti Drip completely dries.

Cure the Paint

Leave your car for at least 4 hours. This will help cure the Plasti Dip onto the car’s surface. Resist the temptation of touching the surface. You might also want to close the garage door a little bit to prevent any substance that may get on the car’s surface.

Apply the Finishing Touches

Replace the different accessories that you removed at the beginning of the dipping process. You can also apply other finishing touches and install different accessories.

How to apply Plasti Dip to your car is easy. It is also more practical than a real automotive paint job. Just do not expect that it will give your vehicle a showroom shine. It should last about 3 years if you take good care of it.


  1. How to Plasti Dip Your Car and Car Accessories – Wiki How
  2. How to Plasti-Dip Your Car – Instructables
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