I Drove All the Way to Saguenay Fjords Just To Pose Like Captain Morgan With My Land Rover | Autance

That Disco sure did look good, though.

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I Drove All the Way to Saguenay Fjords Just To Pose Like Captain Morgan With My Land Rover | Autance © I Drove All the Way to Saguenay Fjords Just To Pose Like Captain Morgan With My Land Rover | Autance

In 2008, a friend and I drove my Disco 1 from Massachusetts to Quebec City, Canada for New Year’s for no reason. I’ll tell you what – I don’t think I’ve ever been colder in my entire life, including the winter months I lived in Sweden. Then we kept driving north, just to see what we could see, and we found more mountains and trees. Go figure!

Cars: 1996 Land Rover Discovery SE7
Location: Somewhere near Rivière Saguenay
Photog: Jeff Hattabaugh
Camera: Olympus S770SW

I stumbled on this picture while I was pawing through my archives. It’s one of the few action shots I have of that truck, though it went on plenty of adventures. The single auxiliary headlight situation was because the brush guard was so badly rusted that the right mount simply disintegrated. I’m not sure why I didn’t remove the leftover light – guess I thought one was better than none?

Anyway, naturally, I made my travel companion take a picture of me with the rig. I felt like a hero because we basically just drove north until we found dirt roads, then drove down those until the snow was too high to proceed. That seemed really cool to us at the time.

We scrambled up this rock pile to commemorate the end of the pointless quest, then drove back home to the Boston ‘burbs.

I don’t want to think about how much 93-octane gasoline we burned to amuse ourselves on that trip, but at least we didn’t break down!

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