Magnus Walker And Sung Kang Trade Outlaws For The Day

Magnus Walker’s prized Porsche, “#277” is traded out for a run up Angeles Crest, instead taking actor/enthusiast Sung Kang’s recently finished “FuguZ” Datsun 240Z hot rod. Kang, meanwhile, takes the keys to #277 and tries to keep up. 

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Magnus Walker And Sung Kang Trade Outlaws For The Day © Magnus Walker And Sung Kang Trade Outlaws For The Day

Sung Kang's Project FuguZ (pronounced Foo-Goo-Zee... sorta) is one of the cleanest 240Z hot rod builds in existence. I hardly blame Porsche-fanatic and Urban Outlaw Magnus Walker for wanting a chance to drive the 9000 RPM rocketship. When the opportunity came up to do a video for eGarage with the ever-amazing Frazer Spowart behind the camera, both Kang and Walker jumped at the chance. When the cars in question are this interesting to drive and wildly varied in execution yet strangely familiar in ethos. 

Both cars have larger and more powerful engines than they left the factory with, both cars feature a spartan interior and a focus on the driver, both cars were built in the early 1970s. Most importantly, though, both cars are owned by fanatically car-crazy guys. It shows that these cars were both built to be driven and to be enjoyed on great roads like this one, the Angeles Crest Highway just north of LA.

eGarage did a great job with this video, as always the visuals are spectacular, and the main characters are vibrant and exciting. If you have a spare six minutes today, absolutely watch this short film. 

[Source: Magnus Walker on YouTube via eGarage]

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