Merry Christmas From Car Autance

I know not everybody celebrates this holiday, but that doesn’t have to stop you from receiving some good vibes from Car Autance this Christmas.

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Merry Christmas From Car Autance © Merry Christmas From Car Autance

I know not everybody celebrates this holiday, but that doesn’t have to stop you from receiving some good vibes from Car Autance this Christmas. We’ll be running a little lean next week while some of the crew rests and recuperates, but you can still look forward to a few good blogs and a great 2022 here.

Merry Christmas From Car Autance
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I don’t really have any more automotive tips to share per se as I type this up on my way out the door, but I did want to share a short holiday bop that might be a fun change of pace from Mariah Carey. In the words of Red Simpson: “This next song is about a trucker who hauls Christmas trees every year. And I think he has just about as much fun as ol’ Santa Claus.” Enjoy:

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