Party Down With This Catering Land Rover Defender 110 in Amsterdam | Autance

Loading and unloading a catering van is a lot more fun when it’s a Land Rover.

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Party Down With This Catering Land Rover Defender 110 in Amsterdam | Autance © Party Down With This Catering Land Rover Defender 110 in Amsterdam | Autance

I only have one question: Are you having fun yet?

  • Car: Land Rover Defender
  • Location: Amsterdam
  • Photog: Tony Markovich (Instagram + Twitter: @T_Marko)
  • Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T5i, 18-55mm IS STM len

The greatest catering-adjacent thing ever created in this world is the show Party Down. For two seasons, Adam Scott, Ken Marino, Ryan Hansen, Martin Starr, Lizzy Caplan, Megan Mullally, Jane Lynch, and Jennifer Coolidge produced comedy gold as aspiring Los Angeles actors trying to pay their rents. The second-greatest catering-adjacent thing ever created is this Land Rover 110 catering and delivery van.

While trying to dodge the hoards of bicyclists, I spotted this awesome vehicle along the canals of Amsterdam. It belongs to Laurent Med Khellout and the Raïnaraï restaurant, which is described as The Nomadic Kitchen of Algeria with organic, vegan and halal food. It primarily acts as a service vehicle to carry loads of fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables, but it also acts as both a marker of one of the restaurant locations.

Something about this Defender‘s patina works really well with the orange accents, the black wheels, and the black roof rack. It’s such a rugged vehicle, and it adds a whole new element of coolness to the farm-to-table idea. Add the canals and Amsterdam’s row houses in the background, and it made for a great scene.

Party Down With This Catering Land Rover Defender 110 in Amsterdam

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