PeriscopeFilm Is the Most Productive Car Research Time-Waster on YouTube | Autance

Endless historically-significant content!

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PeriscopeFilm Is the Most Productive Car Research Time-Waster on YouTube | Autance © PeriscopeFilm Is the Most Productive Car Research Time-Waster on YouTube | Autance

If you’re like me, and hopping on YouTube to answer one question gets you sucked into a black hole of random interesting unrelated videos, the PeriscopeFilm YouTube channel is going to be your new favorite thing. The channel has a lot chunk of everything, but importantly, a deep catalog of historic automotive content.

There are so many videos on this channel. The subject matter varies from really old home movies to promotional videos about architectural developments, interesting promotional videos about helicopter travel, Barry Goldwater flying an A-10 jet, really old public service announcements, racing documentaries, Chrysler K Car promos, and even war propaganda films (beware: a lot of the latter is immensely un-PC). If, say, you’re interested in urban development, the jet age, and war history, you could spend days watching this channel.

There’s really something for everyone, especially if you’re interested in all things transportation. Some videos are silent films that have been dubbed over, too; this surely has inspired some ingestion of psychedelics.

You can either scroll through everything or search for something specific. Again, if you’re looking for all things automotive and transit-related, you’ll find so much if you search “car” or “automotive.” One of my favorites I came across after searching “racing” was this documentary of the 12 Hours of Sebring back in the 1960s. There are so many cool cars in the paddock -E-Type Jags, to C1 Stingrays, AC Shelbys, and more.

And if you’ve got a weird interest in Malaise Era cars like us nerds at Car Autance, check out this pure gold from 1979:

If you end up diving into this and find more goodies, drop the links in the comments so we can see!

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