5 Tips to Silence a Car Exhaust | Autance

If you (and your neighbors) are sick of your car roaring around your neighborhood, the problem is likely to be…

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5 Tips to Silence a Car Exhaust | Autance © 5 Tips to Silence a Car Exhaust | Autance

If you (and your neighbors) are sick of your car roaring around your neighborhood, the problem is likely to be coming from the exhaust. Quietening your car down doesn’t have to be a major job; there are plenty of quick fixes which can help out significantly. There are also some more complicated repairs, which need to be undertaken by a professional, so it is a judgement call when it comes to deciding the right course of action for you. Obviously, you want to do this while keeping your vehicle’s performance in tip-top condition.

Before you do anything, you should try to get a better picture of what is causing this exhaust loudness. The most obvious reason is that your car has a particularly old exhaust, but the issue may also be that the exhaust is too powerful. So, if you have an old banger or a suped-up supercar, the problem of a loud exhaust could well be the same! And, in fact, the solutions are also similar. The other main culprit of a loud exhaust is leaking. It is pretty straightforward to determine whether or not this is the case. All you need to do is park your car to see if there are any puddles or smoke underneath. Make sure you check on a flat surface with the brakes firmly applied. After all, your safety is paramount.

Now, let’s go into more detail about those five ways that you can silence a car exhaust.

Fix the Leak

If the exhaust is leaking, the most logical thing to do is fix it. So, if you have discovered a hole in your exhaust pipe, here is what to do. If you discover a small hole, the material you will need most is a heat-resistant epoxy. The instructions on the packaging should make it relatively straightforward the steps you need to take. However, if you find yourself having to deal with a larger hole, you may find that this is not enough. A product like a muffler cement is likely to do the job more effectively, so buy a tube which is large enough to deal with the problem that you are facing. Before applying any products to your car, you should clean the rust off any spots that you need to treat. If you find that the exhaust is covered in holes, this is likely to be your cue to buy a new one.

Invest in a New Muffler

One of the most important parts of a car exhaust for keeping it quiet is a muffler. This is the part which encases the final part of the pipe before the opening. Its main function is obviously to make the exhaust quieter, but if it is not doing the job properly, it may be time to get yourself a new one. There are plenty of different mufflers out there which are all suitable for various vehicles, so take your time in choosing one which is right for your car. If you plan on doing the job of installation yourself, make sure you take the time to be sure of what you are doing. If you are not confident, it may be worth hiring a professional to take care of the task for you.

DIY Soundproof Mufflers

Your next option also involves soundproof mufflers, but this time, you can construct your own. Essentially, you are looking for a sound-deadening material which dampens down the exhaust noise as sound travels through it. A few different options include metal wool, steel scrubs, and fiberglass packing. Whatever materials you choose, they need to be heat-resistant. There are plenty of videos online which provide you with a good overview of how to do this job, but if you are not experienced, it is probably better off that you don’t try it yourself. Instead, you should enlist the help of a professional mechanic, or at least an expert who has worked on plenty of cars in the past.

Buy a Silencer

Another item which can help you to quieten down that overly loud car exhaust is a silencer. Essentially, these work by narrowing the hole which the exhaust noise has to travel through, reducing the noise. In terms of ease of installation, this option ranks very highly indeed. All you need to do is slip it inside the exhaust pipe and it is good to go. Make sure that you buy one which suits your specific exhaust. While this solution may not deaden the sound in the same way as some of the other options above, it is an easy and affordable fix.

Put in a DIY Silencer

The final option sticks with the silencer theme, but this one involves you using something homemade instead of something shop bought. Obviously, this is a method which you take on at your own risk. You will be able to find plenty of DIY fixes online, but some of the most popular include using a regular soda can, jar lid, or steel wool. While some of these may well be very effective, you need to understand that you are taking on more of a risk if you aren’t 100% sure what you are doing.

Other Tips for a Quieter Car

Well, that about wraps it up for tips to silence a car exhaust. But if your noisy car is still giving you a headache, there are some other things that you can do. You can try soundproofing the inside of your car. Obviously, this will only stop the noise reaching your ears and won’t do anything for the outside world! Some of the things which you can put in include soundproofing mats, sound deadening sprays, and more.

A quieter car makes for an all-round more enjoyable driving experience, so take heed of some of the above pieces of advice to quieten down that noisy exhaust without negatively affecting the performance of your car.


  1. How to Silence Car Exhaust – Your Mechanic
  2. How To Quiet A Car Exhaust Without Losing Performance – Soundproofable
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