The $22,890 Zero Motorcycles SR/S Has 201 Miles of Range and That’s Plenty

An EV sport tourer that looks ready to fight Milwaukee’s best.

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The $22,890 Zero Motorcycles SR/S Has 201 Miles of Range and That’s Plenty © The $22,890 Zero Motorcycles SR/S Has 201 Miles of Range and That’s Plenty

There was some snickering among the hardcore motorcycling community when Zero Motorcycles first launched, “An EV motorcycle with limited range? Pass.” But the haters have disappeared as the company has proven its longevity and the merit of its machines. The latest in Zero’s stable is the SR/S, a sport-tourer featuring up to 201 miles of range; hell yeah.

Already shipping to Zero’s dealers across the country, the SR/S builds off the success of Zero’s 2019 launch of the streetfighter SR/F. The two motorcycles share Zero’s new chassis design and as well as the 14.4 kW lithium-ion battery pack, which is rated for 110 horsepower, 140 pound-feet of torque, and 161 miles of range. A top speed of 124 mph ensures you’ll be able to get to work on time. 

Zero Motorcycles

Two models will also be offered, the SR/S Standard and the SR/S Premium, with the main difference between the two being charging capabilities. On the Standard, a 3kW charger offers a 95-percent charge in 4 hours. An upgraded 6kW charger slices that in half. The Premium gets the 6kW charger standard, but an optional 12kW rapid-charger for one hour charge-ups is also available.

There are a few optional extras like heated grips and colors, while Zero’s connected rider network, which tracks a host of data you can share with your friends and fellow two-wheeled junkies, is free for the first two years. Range, however, is the biggest extra. 

Zero Motorcycles
  • Zero Motorcycles
  • Zero Motorcycles
  • Zero Motorcycles

Atop the Standard’s $19,995 sticker, and the Premium’s $21,995, for $2,895 more, Zero’s Power Tank will increase the SR/S’s range to a healthy 201 miles. And considering the charge times are relatively short, especially for the SR/S Premium with the rapid charger, it’s plenty. Yes, there will be thousands of "hardcore riders" and "iron butts" saying they road trip to Sturgis every weekend and all they need to do is stop for a 5-minute fuel up, but for the average rider, which we all know includes you, it's plenty. 

And while the electric motorcycles aren’t what you’d call cheap, they are eligible for the EV Federal Tax Credit. Plus, it’s still way cheaper than the Harley-Davidson LiveWire and even has more range. The Zero SR/S goes on sale March 1st and I can’t wait to throw a leg over it. 

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