The 2017-2022 Acura NSX might be one of the most underrated supercars in recent memory, and it’s a shame more people haven’t bought them. It’s fantastic for daily driving thanks to its spacious interior and comfortable ride, it’s utterly brilliant at twisty roads, and it gets decent gas mileage from its hybrid powertrain with a twin-turbo 3.5-liter V6 and three electric motors. It really looks the part, too. it’s styled as an exciting and exotic supercar, but it looks more reserved than, say, a Ferrari 458 or Lamborghini Huracan EVO.
- Car: 2020 Acura NSX
- Location: Southern California
- Photog: Peter Nelson (IG + Twitter: @16vPete)
- Camera: Canon 6D + 35-70 EF zoom lens
That’s not to say it doesn’t have its issues. Prospective buyers might’ve been turned off by the Acura badge, the switchgear out of a TLX, the infotainment screen out of a Civic, or its miniscule rear trunk that makes for a brilliant convection oven. But nuts to all of that. It’s hard to deny this car’s excellent acceleration, steering, handling, and braking. The exotic sound of the exhaust helps, too.
All of this comes at a price that’s far, far lower than its European competition. As far sticking to the original NSX recipe, this is where the second generation gets it right. Yes, it costs a lot more than the old one, but modern technology has advanced quite a bit further since then.
More people should’ve bought the second-gen NSX. Though, maybe this all works out in the end for people who did buy them. Not only do they get to enjoy them, but as far as collectability goes, they might not lose as much coin in resale compared to spendier hardware from Europe.