The Humble Mercedes W202 Remains One of My All-Time Favorite Car Designs | Autance

The ’90s C-Class is just so simple and tidy.

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The Humble Mercedes W202 Remains One of My All-Time Favorite Car Designs | Autance © The Humble Mercedes W202 Remains One of My All-Time Favorite Car Designs | Autance

I used to say that the ’90s Mercedes C-Class looked “timeless.” And while I no longer agree with that, I still think it’s a distinctly handsome and well-proportioned vehicle. Here’s one I found in purple.

  • Car: ’90s Mercedes-Benz C-Class (W202 chassis)
  • Location: Newcomb’s Ranch, way up on Angeles Crest
  • Photog: Me (@andrewatlarge on IG)
  • Camera: Canon PowerShot G7 MKIII

The car in this photograph appeared to be wrapped in a color that actually looked a bit like the deep purple I’ve seen on Nissan Skylines. I wish more people would go for a plum-adjacent color; this looks great. But it’s really the simple, blocky appearance of this era C-Class (known as the W202 chassis) that caught my eye here. Those monolithic AMG wheels pair perfectly, too. The ride height is a little aggressively low for my taste, but I digress.

These vehicles, even AMG variants, have not been particularly valuable for a long time. That means that while it might be easy to find a cheap one, it will be challenging to get into one that’s been looked after. I paw through Craigslist for one myself a few times a year — though I’ve actually never even driven one.

If anybody with experience owning one of these wants to leave a comment, that’d be cool!

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