The War Zone

We Talk V-280 Valor Versus V-22 Osprey With Bell’s Head Of Tiltrotor Systems

We Talk V-280 Valor Versus V-22 Osprey With Bell’s Head Of Tiltrotor Systems

The V-280 faces stiff competition, but Bell thinks its proven pedigree and unique features will make it the star of the Future Vertical Lift tender.

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US Special Operators Need A Battle Ready Buggy They Can Cram Into A V-22 Osprey

US Special Operators Need A Battle Ready Buggy They Can Cram Into A V-22 Osprey

Existing all-terrain vehicles lack the desired firepower and protection, but larger vehicles simply won’t fit in the tiltrotor’s small cargo bay.

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Concerns About U.S. Military Supply Chains And Readiness Grow As COVID-19 Coronavirus Spreads

Concerns About U.S. Military Supply Chains And Readiness Grow As COVID-19 Coronavirus Spreads

The Pentagon says that it is working to mitigate these issues, but it’s unclear how severe their impact could be if the virus’ spread accelerates.

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A Poisoned Spy and Threats of US Strikes in Syria Send Tensions With Russia Skyrocketing

A Poisoned Spy and Threats of US Strikes in Syria Send Tensions With Russia Skyrocketing

Trump has fired his top diplomat just as an ally says it has suffered a Russian chemical attack and the Syrian conflict enters a brutal new phase.

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Kim Jong Un’s Praetorian Guards Are Really A 100,000 Man Personal Army

Kim Jong Un’s Praetorian Guards Are Really A 100,000 Man Personal Army

The security we saw in Singapore is nothing compared to the immense personal security force that serves the Kim family back at home.

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America’s Startling Short Range Air Defense Gap And How To Close It Fast

America’s Startling Short Range Air Defense Gap And How To Close It Fast

From weaponized hobby drones, to artillery shells, to low-flying fighters and cruise missiles, U.S. ground forces are alarmingly vulnerable.

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Kim Jong Un Steps Over The Line: Everything We Know About The Historic Summit

Kim Jong Un Steps Over The Line: Everything We Know About The Historic Summit

Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae In both made grand gestures and rare public pronouncements, promising to officially end the Korean War and more.

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USAF To Keep Upgraded F-16s Till 2048 As Fate Of F-15C In Doubt

USAF To Keep Upgraded F-16s Till 2048 As Fate Of F-15C In Doubt

The plan could mean the beginning of the end for the F-15C/D Eagle fleet.

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Ukraine Situation Report: U.S. Says Russia May Be Giving Up On Taking Kyiv

Ukraine Situation Report: U.S. Says Russia May Be Giving Up On Taking Kyiv

A senior U.S. defense official says that Russia’s current focus is on eastern Ukraine amid indications that Moscow’s objectives might be shifting.

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Russia Claims US Coalition “Mystery Helicopters” Supplying Arms To ISIS In Afghanistan

Russia Claims US Coalition “Mystery Helicopters” Supplying Arms To ISIS In Afghanistan

There’s no evidence to support the allegations, but they are another prime example of Russia’s active information warfare campaign against the US.

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