These Porsches Have Different Bodies, the Same Soul, and Nearly the Same VIN | Autance

(Oh, and an extra two cylinders.)

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These Porsches Have Different Bodies, the Same Soul, and Nearly the Same VIN | Autance © These Porsches Have Different Bodies, the Same Soul, and Nearly the Same VIN | Autance

Galpin Motors, one of SoCal’s biggest car dealer networks, has a Porsche store in Santa Clarita with a little extra enticement. The dealership actually has a whole mini Porsche museum under its showroom floor. Designed by the same person who did the Petersen Automotive Museum, “the Wunderground” has an excellent selection of cars. We’ve got a few photos from this place, here’s another!

  • Car(s): 1964 Porsche 356C, 1964 Porsche 901
  • Location: Porsche Santa Clarita, Santa Clarita, CA
  • Photog: Chris Rosales (Instagram: @chrishasacamera, Twitter: @chrishasacamera)
  • Camera: Sony A7RII + Sigma 35mm f/1.4

Here we have a 1964 Porsche 356C and a 1964 Porsche 901… which is not a typo! The original name for the Porsche 911 is 901. That is until, Peugeot stepped in and said “absolutely not”, and claimed ownership of the numeric car name with 0 in the middle, like 206 or 405.

Anyways, we have two red Porsches from the same year in the same place. The 356 is the old man on his way to retirement and the 901 is the new kid on the block. Porsche actually produced both concurrently because of the popularity of the 356, and introduced the C model for 1964 and 1965. The larger, better flat-six 901 was a big step for some Porsche buyers.

356Cs and 901s came off of the production line together. How does that relate to these two cars?

They are four digits apart on their VIN tags. These cars off the production line at nearly the same time, and were certainly in the factory together! Cool, right?

As big as we could get it:

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