This Ferrari F430 Spider With Stick-On Chrome and Fake Vents Will Make You Cry

When you have Ferrari money but secretly wish you owned a Chevy Cavalier at heart.

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This Ferrari F430 Spider With Stick-On Chrome and Fake Vents Will Make You Cry © This Ferrari F430 Spider With Stick-On Chrome and Fake Vents Will Make You Cry

Wealth doesn't necessarily correlate with good taste or, as we've discussed in the past, skill behind the wheel. An unsightly modified Ferrari spotted in California demonstrates the former with its gaudy decals and badging, and it'd probably be best if someone put it out of its dime-store misery.

Ferrari F430 Spider, Drift Pie Clothing on Facebook

Once upon a time, this Ferrari F430 Spider could've been the focal point of the best rap video of 2006, but those days are as far gone as...well, 2006. Since then, this supercar has fallen in the lap of someone Enzo Ferrari would've hated to see driving a car with his name on it. Indeed, driving a car that originally sold for over $200,000 isn't pretentious enough for this well-to-do owner, who seemingly raided every Autozone and Dollar Tree from Santa Rosa to San Diego for stick-on fake chrome and vents, all to convey a social status equivalent to that of a Bentley-badged Chrysler 300.

  • <p class="caption-title">Ferrari F430 Spider</p>, <i>Drift Pie Clothing on Facebook</i>
  • <p class="caption-title">Ferrari F430 Spider</p>, <i>Drift Pie Clothing on Facebook</i>

Now call us amateurs, but we don't remember there ever being a "Sport Edition" F430. Its 4.3-liter, 483-horsepower V8 made it plenty sporty to begin with, and when Ferrari decided it could use a little extra sport, it passed over such pedestrian nomenclature for the more brand-appropriate Scuderia nameplate, which came with an extra 20 horsepower. We'll hazard a guess and say that the owner of this car couldn't afford the Scuderia, so they invented an equivalent in a vain attempt to impress their favorite barista.

  • <p class="caption-title">Ferrari F430 Spider</p>, <i>Drift Pie Clothing on Facebook</i>
  • <p class="caption-title">Ferrari F430 Spider</p>, <i>Drift Pie Clothing on Facebook</i>

Someone do the owner of this car a favor and tell them that fake chrome hasn't been popular for more than a decade, and that if they want all eyes on them, they need straight pipes and a haphazardly built exo-cage. Sure, it's a mod as tacky as fake chrome, but it's more on-trend than anything found in the O'Reilly's discount bin will ever be.

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