This Kaleidoscope of Color and Culture Centers Around a Porsche 918 Spyder | Autance

Bright, colorful lights make for pretty photos.

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This Kaleidoscope of Color and Culture Centers Around a Porsche 918 Spyder | Autance © This Kaleidoscope of Color and Culture Centers Around a Porsche 918 Spyder | Autance

A makeshift rooftop nightclub hosted by Porsche can make for interesting photo opportunities. Especially when the Porsches are not the stars of the show. I can say safely that most car gatherings don’t include lights, live music, good food, and an incredible view of the Los Angeles skyline. Oh, and a Porsche 918 Spyder.

  • Car: 2015 Porsche 918 Spyder
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Photog: Chris Rosales (@chrishasacamera Twitter, Insta)

Race Service hosted this party on a nondescript LA parking lot rooftop on a Friday night for Porsche owners and anyone who RSVP’d. The food and drinks were free and there was an owner’s drive beforehand for certain folks with an invite and a set of keys with a Porsche crest.

With the Race Service Rolodex of cool car people at hand, this resulted in some unbelievable machinery on this random rooftop. Scattered around were any number of modern Porsche GT car in all colors and specs, some air-cooleds, a custom-built 935 replica by auto media industry legend Rod Chong, as well as a Carrera GT and a Porsche 918 Spyder. 

Near the end of the live music show, cars started slowly rolling out. The most insane parade of glorious Stuttgart-born sports cars started driving right through the LA socialite crowd that Race Service attracts. The aforementioned 918 drove through and I decided to lift my camera up and snap away.

As big as we could get it:

This Kaleidoscope of Color and Culture Centers Around a Porsche 918 Spyder
Chris Rosales
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