U.K. Still Plans to End Sales of New Gasoline and Diesel Cars in 2040, Report Says

But the ban won’t include hybrids.

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U.K. Still Plans to End Sales of New Gasoline and Diesel Cars in 2040, Report Says © U.K. Still Plans to End Sales of New Gasoline and Diesel Cars in 2040, Report Says

Last year, U.K. government officials proposed banning sales of new gasoline and diesel cars by 2040. That plan is still in effect, and more details may be announced as soon as this week, reports Reuters.

An anonymous government source confirmed to the news service that the U.K. is still on track to end sales of internal-combustion cars after a Financial Times report indicated those plans were being "watered down" from a firm policy to a "mission." The source also clarified that the proposed ban will not include hybrids.

"We will end the sale of new conventional petrol and diesel engine cars by 2040," the source told Reuters. "It's not government policy to ban hybrids."

The inclusion of hybrids will likely be a relief to automakers, who view selling them as much less challenging than selling all-electric cars. At the same time, environmental advocates may not view the proposal as aggressive enough, both because it allows new cars with internal-combustion engines (albeit with electric assist) to be sold, and because of the amount of time it will take to end new sales, and get older, dirtier cars off the road.

Several other countries are considering ending or severely restricting sales of new internal-combustion cars in order to combat air pollution and climate change. Scotland has proposed phasing out gasoline and diesel sales beginning in 2032, and France is aiming for 2040. China plans to enact stricter emissions standards that are expected to force an increase in production of electric cars and hybrids.

The final version of the document detailing how the U.K.'s internal-combustion ban will be rolled out has been delayed as Britain's transport, business, and environment ministries discuss various proposals, according to Reuters. Ministers could reveal more details about the plans as early as this Wednesday, but it's just as likely that more delays will occur, according to the news service.

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