A Motorcycle That Can Do Everything Can Also Capture My Heart | Autance

A powerful, versatile, and beautiful machine.

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A Motorcycle That Can Do Everything Can Also Capture My Heart | Autance © A Motorcycle That Can Do Everything Can Also Capture My Heart | Autance

It’s been a long time since I’ve suited up and swung a leg over a motorcycle. But riding used to be a huge part of my life and when I see a bike as badass as the Ducati Multistrada striking a pose, it’s hard not to start thinking about wind and noise and everything excellent that comes with riding.

  • Car Motorcycle: Ducati Multistrada V4 Pikes Peak
  • Location: ?
  • Photog: ? (image used with permission from Ducati
  • Camera: ?

The short story on this particular bike is that it burps out an amazing 170 hp and 92 lb-ft of torque from its V4 Granturismo engine. The Multistrada name basically means the bike’s designed to be ridden on a variety of road surfaces. The semi-upright riding position looks pretty comfortable, actually. And speaking of comfort, this thing also has Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Blind Spot Detection (BSD), and a 6.5-inch TFT dashboard. The present/future of motos is pretty fancy! Then again, this is a pretty spendy piece of hardare: list is $28,995 which is a king’s ransom for a motorcycle.

But mostly I just wanted to share it because I love the way it looks, and that’s what the daily Feature Photo is all about my friends. Here’s a little hype video if you want to see some more of this thing:

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