How Do You Learn To Drive Stick Without Buying a Manual Car or Wrecking Somebody Else’s? | Autance

Today’s Hooptie Happy Hour chat sesh is all about learning to drive.

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How Do You Learn To Drive Stick Without Buying a Manual Car or Wrecking Somebody Else’s? | Autance © How Do You Learn To Drive Stick Without Buying a Manual Car or Wrecking Somebody Else’s? | Autance

On today’s Hooptie Happy Hour chat session, the Car Autance crew will talk about learning to drive, their own experience with driving tests, teaching people to drive manual, and how to level-up on skills once your driver’s license is minted. Watch and comment live if you see this by noon pacific time/3:00 p.m. eastern, or catch up and listen in any time afterwards!

Hooptie Happy Hour is our weekly chat session in which the Car Autance writing staff gets together to discuss and debate some part of car culture. This week we’re on video!

Here are some prompts we’ll try to get into:

  • Experiences with Driver’s Ed
  • Learning to drive
  • Learning to drive stick
  • Learning to drive off-road
  • Learning to drive around a racetrack

For those of you joining us for the first time – the format here is that we’ll host a little chat video via Facebook live on a given topic. Today, as you can see, it’s all about learning to drive. We’ll be keeping an eye on the comment section here and the FB one so if you’d like to chime in, it’s as easy as leaving a comment! Otherwise, we will try and cover as much as we can within approximately 60 minutes.

The video will stay up forever so you can watch (or just listen) at your leisure. But my hope is that folks will start to find us and call in regularly! This new time (12:00 p.m. pst/3:00 p.m. est on Thursdays) will be our new-normal. It’s a little early to crack a brewski, sort of, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time chatting cars with your online friends from Car Autance!

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