How To Be a Car Enthusiast Without Killing the Planet | Autance

Hooptie Happy Hour is now in live-video form at 2 p.m. pacific/5 p.m. eastern on Fridays!

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How To Be a Car Enthusiast Without Killing the Planet | Autance © How To Be a Car Enthusiast Without Killing the Planet | Autance

With President Biden talking about cutting emissions and climate change becoming more ominous every year, it’s hard not to think about the future of cars as a hobby. How much do we really need to change our habits? What do car enthusiasts have to look forward to in the coming decades? What can we be doing right now to minimize our environmental impact? The Car Autance crew will be discussing all this and more at today’s Hooptie Happy Hour.

Hooptie Happy Hour is our weekly chat session in which the Car Autance writing staff gets together to discuss and debate some part of car culture. This week we’re on video!

Hooptie Happy Hour is a live video chat session hosted on Facebook, where you can (and are encouraged to!) comment if you’d like. We’ll keep an eye on the feed and try to address any prompts you put in there. If you’re not an FB user, you should still be able to view the video and make comments right here at the bottom of this post. I’ll keep an eye on that too and, again, answer as many as possible!

Now that the live session is over, the video will live on for your entertainment.

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