Once a Year Pros Find Their Driving Lines on Shoreline Drive | Autance

I pulled over and quickly snapped this photo on the Long Beach Grand Prix circuit, because why not?

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Once a Year Pros Find Their Driving Lines on Shoreline Drive | Autance © Once a Year Pros Find Their Driving Lines on Shoreline Drive | Autance

I live in Long Beach, Calif., which might be one of the top places in the U.S.A. for motorsports fans to call home. I used to live a short walk from the Long Beach Grand Prix (LBGP) circuit, now I live an easy five-minute residential-street-drive away. It’s so cool to be in a city where they take a chunk of the Shoreline Drive area and turn it into one of the most world-renowned race circuits in history.

Car: 2020 Acura NSX
Location: Long Beach, California
Photog: Peter Nelson (Instagram + Twitter: @16vPete)
Camera: Canon 6D + EF 35-85mm AF Zoom

Because I’m around the LBGP for the better part of two months, it makes for really fun photo opportunities. I say two months because setup, running, and taking down all of the grandstands, walls, fencing, paddock, and more, is quite an undertaking. While workers are either setting up or taking down the front straightaway on Shoreline Drive, it’s pretty easy to pull over and snap a few photos. Or, head a tad west and get shots of your car up on some permanent curbing installed on a few of the circuit’s corners.

I snapped this photo in a coned-off area, right next to normal midday Long Beach traffic. Sure, it’s facing the opposite direction of the circuit’s clockwise running, but I thought it was cool regardless, especially considering Acura is the title sponsor of the GP.

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