Thank You For Tolerating Us: Valentine’s Cards For Car Nerds | Autance

We’ve got 10 car-themed Valentine’s Day cards for you here, ranging from Mildly Funny to Deep Cut on the car-nerdiness scale.

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Thank You For Tolerating Us: Valentine’s Cards For Car Nerds | Autance © Thank You For Tolerating Us: Valentine’s Cards For Car Nerds | Autance

Sure sex is great and all, but have you ever subjected your significant other to a hilarious deep-cut in-joke that only the most dedicated car nerds would get? Now that, my friends, is how you get some real romance going. I’m well aware that we’re not the only car site to cook up Valentine’s Day cards this year, but I can promise we’ve got some of the best.

I made a few of these myself and asked writers Kevin Williams, Peter Nelson, and Chris Rosales to throw down some ideas too. The stack of .JPGs below is what we came up with.

Download, print, plagiarize and send them around to your heart’s content. You should be able to get the full-rez version by clicking the image below. Then you can add To/From with any picture or PDF editor (the “Preview” app on Macs can do this, or just use the Markup function on your iPhone). Share them with your lovers and let us know how impressed they are by your dedication and car knowledge.

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