The 2018 Subaru WRX STI Is a Terrible Road Trip Car | Autance

Old metal meets new metal over a Dayton, Ohio, bridge.

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The 2018 Subaru WRX STI Is a Terrible Road Trip Car | Autance © The 2018 Subaru WRX STI Is a Terrible Road Trip Car | Autance

Driving over a bridge is an act people either love or hate. It will fascinate or terrify, depending on how big it is and what it crosses, but no matter the feeling it inspires, a bridge is nearly guaranteed to provide good views. In this case, the view was of the bridge and a Subaru WRX, not of what lied underneath.

  • Car: 2018 Subaru WRX STI
  • Location: Dayton, Ohio
  • Photog: Tony Markovich (Instagram + Twitter: @T_Marko)
  • Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T5i, 18-55mm IS STM len

This photo was taken in Ohio, on the Gallman Road Bridge, one of Ohio’s more than 500 historic bridges. Built in 1887 by the Columbus Bridge Company of Dayton, it is made of cast iron, wrought iron, and steel. It features a through truss design that was known as a “whipple” or “pratt” double intersection bridge, and it was refurbished and moved to service a recreational trail in the early ’00s.

Unfortunately, this stop-and-snap was one of the primary highlights of my experience with this 2018 WRX STI, as driving through Ohio to get to a lake house bachelor party was not exactly the type of route one desires for this type of car. Instead of a fun-filled romp, it was more of a don’t-meet-your-heroes moment, as the ride was ridiculously uncomfortable, the clutch was terrible, and there were no curvy roads to test out the STI’s cornering capabilities. Not to mention the overzealous cop situation in Ohio always makes for an uncomfortable ride. The overall experience left a sour taste, especially because it didn’t even have the right color. Who buys a black STI?

The 2018 Subaru WRX STI Is a Terrible Road Trip Car

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