This Lamborghini Huracán Is an Evil Grimace | Autance

For several reasons, including its color.

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This Lamborghini Huracán Is an Evil Grimace | Autance © This Lamborghini Huracán Is an Evil Grimace | Autance

Remember Grimace? The purple creature who’s pals with Ronald McDonald and gave me nightmares as a child? The color of this Lambo Huracan is a spot-on match to Grimace’s furry outer layer. I’m calling it his outer layer, because I’m not sure how things shake out regarding his taxonomy. The vehicle’s expression also makes this title feel appropriate.

Car: 2020 Lamborghini Huracan EVO RWD
Location: Southern California
Photog: Peter Nelson (Instagram + Twitter: @16vPete)
Camera: Canon 6D + EF 50mm 1.8II AF

The Lambo’s color matches especially well due to having a satin sheen, not unlike Grimace’s own. He’s not really an oily or well-conditioned creature, probably more of a shampoo-only kinda guy.

With a foot filled with courage firmly planted on the right pedal, this thing absolutely screams up to redline as it shoves you back in the seat. This statement should be read as completely devoid of hyperbole: never have I ever been so enveloped in beautiful noise and longitudinal G force as I have at the helm of this mighty little Huracan. It truly is little, too -both dimensionally, and the fact that it only weighs around 200 pounds more than a modern hot hatch. That makes for a pretty wild power-to-weight ratio: 610 naturally-aspirated horsepower from its Audi-sourced V10.

Like illicit drugs or fast-food hamburgers, launching the Huracan Evo is incredibly addictive. I really, really want to get back behind the wheel of one someday.

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