We’re Discussing the Evolution of Online Car Culture on Today’s Hooptie Happy Hour | Autance

Today’s Hooptie Happy Hour live chat is on Twitter Spaces, (May 20, noon PT)!

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We’re Discussing the Evolution of Online Car Culture on Today’s Hooptie Happy Hour | Autance © We’re Discussing the Evolution of Online Car Culture on Today’s Hooptie Happy Hour | Autance

Every week Car Autance hosts a live chat session. Lately (and today) we’re running it on Twitter Spaces; if you’ve got Twitter on your iPhone or Android device, you can listen in (and raise your hand to speak) at noon PT/3:00 p.m. ET. Find us on Twitter right now and get in on our conversation about the evolution of online car culture.

Hooptie Happy Hour is our weekly chat session in which the Car Autance writing staff gets together to discuss and debate some part of car culture. This week we’re on Twitter Spaces.

Click here to see Car Autance on Twitter and get in on our Twitter Spaces chat. Not on Twitter? Well, you might not be able to get in on the live show but rest assured we’re figuring out how to save and re-share the see for later.

Those of us who are at least elder millennials will remember the days of CarDomain’s popularity (MySpace for cars!), StreetFire.net’s videos, and of course the news and information exchanges on Automotive Forums (still active!). If you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, well, you’re in for an exciting history lesson, youngblood. At least, until we get distracted and go off on tangents.

We’ve been playing it fast and loose with our Happy Hour Twitter Spaces chats so far, but this time I’m going to try and run it slightly more strictly radio-show style. I’ll sort of MC the convo as much as is practical, and if people do want to call in, I’ll turn their mic on for a few minutes and then turn it back off.

If you’re finding this post after the show’s over, don’t worry, we’ll be back again next week with another fun topic to kick around.

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