Our Favorite Fast & Furious Cars Discussed And Roasted: Hooptie Happy Hour Is On Video! | Autance

Chat with the Car Autance crew in real time – in a live video streaming format – at 2 p.m. PST/5 p.m. EST April 16.

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Our Favorite Fast & Furious Cars Discussed And Roasted: Hooptie Happy Hour Is On Video! | Autance © Our Favorite Fast & Furious Cars Discussed And Roasted: Hooptie Happy Hour Is On Video! | Autance

We’re evolving our weekly reader/writer chat session this week with a some live video action. The Car Autance crew will get together in a video chat, we’ll stream that out via Facebook Live, and monitor the comments there in realtime so we can interact with anybody who wants to participate!

Hooptie Happy Hour is our weekly chat session in which the Car Autance writing staff knocks off work specifically to hang out in the comment section here for a hot minute. This week we’re on video!

The video chat will be embedded right here, and we’ll start yapping at 2 p.m. PST / 5 p.m. EST today (Friday, April 16) and chat for about an hour. If you’re finding this post after that time, the video won’t be live of course but you can still tune in for some pleasant car conversation.

Today’s theme is “our favorite Fast & Furious movie cars.” Don’t worry, you’re among nerds, I promise we’re going to go deeper than the famous orange Supra and the green Eclipse.

Previous Hooptie Happy Hours have been all about the comments here on Car Autance proper, so I’ll keep an eye on the comment section in this post too for those of you who don’t feel like messing with Facebook. You shouldn’t need an FB account to watch, though.

The Spot.IM commenting system below is easy to use – just make an account with a social media handle or email address and you can jump right in. Welcome to Hooptie Happy Hour!

If you found this post after 6 p.m. EST we’ve signed off, but the video clip will live on embedded above. We won’t be able to answer comments in realtime anymore but you can still get to know the crew a little better if you’d like to give it a watch! We’ll have more interactive items, in one format or another, every week.

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