This Double-Winch Rescue Was an Amazing Moment in Off-Road Recovery | Autance

We love to see Land Rovers, old and new, get put to the test beyond pavement.

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This Double-Winch Rescue Was an Amazing Moment in Off-Road Recovery | Autance © This Double-Winch Rescue Was an Amazing Moment in Off-Road Recovery | Autance

In my endless trawl of quality, overlooked, and entertaining YouTube content, I often find myself on deep expeditions into thick off-roading video mud, much like this one by YouTuber Jay Tee.

This gent hasn’t published a whole lot of videos, but what he has published is very entertaining to anyone who fancies themselves an enthusiast of dirt and mud driving, especially if they’re unapologetic Land Rover nerds like yours truly. Especially this video, where a Defender and Discovery 2 assist in winching a Defender 110 out of a deep mud pit.

Listen to those turbo diesel engines clatter and burble, those massive tires spin, and high ride heights wallow around ready for high-clearance-demanding scenarios. The video begins with some entertaining footage of all kinds of Rovers playing around in an off-road park in the United Kingdom during an event hosted by the Cheshire Land Rover Club. Even though it’s in the UK, there’s no shortage of Americana-rich country music to accompany the day’s activities.

Midway through the video, a very clean and tidy Defender 110 turns into a very grimy and stuck Defender 110, and my fears of trying mud pits in my own Discovery 1 are thoroughly justified. Perhaps it was a lack of momentum that got the driver stuck? Maybe it was a lack of proper tires, or locking differentials? Regardless, after an attempt to pull it out backward via a very-built Discovery 2, they end up having to pull it out forwards via two, count ’em two, other winch-equipped Rovers. Fittingly, triumphant music gradually cuts in as the mighty 110 makes its way back onto firm terra firma, and all rejoice.

I could watch stuff like this all day. It definitely motivates me to continue wrenching on my dear ol’ Disco, and finding time on the weekend to hit some trails. Which, as of this writing, has been far too long.

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