Always Stop for Car Shows That Are Visible From the Highway | Autance

Savor these gas guzzlers while you can.

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Always Stop for Car Shows That Are Visible From the Highway | Autance © Always Stop for Car Shows That Are Visible From the Highway | Autance

The Chevrolet Chevelle will alway be a special car to me because it’s a special car to my pops. Of all the cool cars and motorcycles he owned in his past, the Chevelle is the one he still worships to this day. I’m pretty sure he would sacrifice me or my sister if it meant he could get it back — we gave him a small-scale model to keep him at bay.

  • Car: 1972 Chevrolet Chevelle SS
  • Location: Lane Automotive, Watervliet, MI
  • Photog: Tony Markovich (Instagram + Twitter: @T_Marko)
  • Camera: iPhone 6 S Plus

My dad owned a red 1968 Chevelle SS with a 396 under the hood, but this example is a restored 1972 model. I took this photo at Lane Automotive right off of I-94 in southwest Michigan. Before COVID, Lane, a large racing and performance parts shop, held an annual cruise night and car show for more than 30 years. Spotting this gathering was a complete accident, but when you can see a parking lot full of classics from the highway, you pull over. I don’t make the rules, I just follow the racing stripes and bright colors.

The show is full of an assortment of types of vehicles, with a slight skew toward older models. I saw cars from the ’40s, ’50s, ’60s, all the way up to the 2020s. The crowd of people ranged far and wide, as well, with plenty of young people, families, and oldies. If you’re ever driving through Michigan, or anywhere for that matter, and happen to see a car show from a distance, I suggest you take then exit you see.

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