I Spent $500 on a Lens for This Photo of the Mustang Mach-E | Autance

Cleveland is a great backdrop.

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I Spent $500 on a Lens for This Photo of the Mustang Mach-E | Autance © I Spent $500 on a Lens for This Photo of the Mustang Mach-E | Autance

Columbus isn’t a great backdrop for photos because it’s too new of a city. During the 1800s, most development in Ohio happened in Cleveland to the north and Cincinnati to the south. The boom in Columbus didn’t happen until the late ’60s, and it was mostly bland suburban tract homes. Yuck. Whenever I’m in Cleveland, I try to do a car photoshoot because it’s a great backdrop for some glamorous shots.

  • Car: 2021 Ford Mustang Mach-E Premium AWD
  • Location: Cleveland, Ohio
  • Photog: me (Kevin Williams)
  • Camera: Canon EOS M50

This trip to Cleveland was not without its hiccups. The lens for my camera, an 18-150mm for my Canon EOS M50, broke the very same day I went to take these photos. My backup 18-55mm lens wouldn’t give me anywhere near the depth I needed to get these sexy shots, so I was forced to spend $500 last minute on a brand new 55-200mm lens. It might have been worth it, though. The Mustang looks wide and sleek, and the background depth of field is impressively flat and creamy. From here on out, my photography skills jumped greatly. 

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