The New Honda Civic Si Racecar Is Giving “Sell on Monday” Vibes | Autance

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The New Honda Civic Si Racecar Is Giving “Sell on Monday” Vibes | Autance © The New Honda Civic Si Racecar Is Giving “Sell on Monday” Vibes | Autance

Honda’s all-things fun and racing arm, Honda Performance Development (HPD), just debuted the latest Civic Si for American touring car racing, and it’s a looker.

  • Car: 2022 Honda Civic Si racecar
  • Location: Unknown
  • Photog: Unknown (used with permission from Honda)
  • Camera: Unknown

The brand-new 11th-generation Civic Si has received a lot of good press for how it does on the road, and so far, all signs point to it being a capable front-wheel-drive (FWD) monster in SRO TC America TCA class. The past few generations of Civics have had a lot of success in this series, even dating far back to when the series was known as the Speed World Challenge.

HPD’s been offering bespoke turn-key racecars for a while now. They take a fresh Civic and completely turn it into a racecar before it ever rolls across a showroom floor. The 10th-gen Si was raced extensively in this spec in SRO TCA and saw a lot of success. Racers also noted that it was an immensely reliable racecar. Just swap the tires and brakes, as well as change the fluids, and carry on to the next race. It doesn’t seem like it ever had any overheating issues or other major weak points. You know, stuff that folks who race in low-level pro racing absolutely do not want to contend with because they’ve already made some major financial commitments trading paint at this level of motorsport.

Hopefully that means the new 11th-gen Si, which doesn’t really differ much from the 10th-gen mechanically, is the same song, second verse. It sure looks the part as a capable TC racecar.

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